TYPE 1B.3.1

TYPE 1B.4.1
July 11, 2017
TYPE 1B.2.1
July 11, 2017

TYPE 1B.3.1


Street scene near Town Hall, Bombay. Identifiable buildings include the Custom House and St. Andrew’s Church. To the left is the famous palm tree in Bombay Castle, a landmark for ships entering Bombay in the past century.


ORIENTAL BANK in centre. Denomination in numerals on four corners in Gujarati and Marathi alternatively with ‘Ru’ before the denomination. Denomination panel in lower left. Printed serial number on either side of Bombay and manuscript date with printed year 184x below central promise text panel. Manuscript signature by Manager By order of the Board of the Oriental Bank, and Entd. by Accountant. Printed by Batho & Bingley, Lombard Street, London.


Denomination in words in centre in between Oriental / Bank.


A serpentine triple line along all four sides. In the centre – THE / ORIENTAL / BANK in three lines


Promise text reads “I Promise to pay the Bearer on demand at the Banks Office here (and not elsewhere) —– Rupees, Value received“. This type of promise text is not seen in any other Bank note.


Type No. Denominations Remark
1B.3.1.1 5 Rupees Also exists as Specimen on card
1B.3.1.2 50 Rupees Also exists as Specimen on card
1B.3.1.3 100 Rupees Also exists as Specimen on card
1B.3.1.4 500 Rupees Also exists as Specimen on card
1B.3.1.5 1000 Rupees Also exists as Specimen on card
