1st Issue: Issued in January 1938; withdrawn from circulation on 27th October 1957. Printed on machine made, white paper.
RESERVE BANK OF INDIA above with GUARANTEED BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT below. Portrait of King George VI in right window, FIVE RUPEES below it. FIVE RUPEES in Central Denomination Panel. One serial number in lower centre. 5 / RUPEES in top left. 5 in top right and lower left corners. Relief underprint of FIVE RUPEES within promise text and Rs FIVE Rs within signature panel. Signed by GOVERNOR FOR THE RESERVE BANK OF INDIA.
RESERVE BANK OF INDIA above FIVE RUPEES below language panel in centre. FIVE / 5 / RUPEES in three lines in left decorative window. RBI logo in right window. 5 on top right and lower left.
Obverse: ‘5’ in a floral intricate pattern in signature panel.
Reverse: ‘RESERVE BANK OF INDIA’ in watermark window. Security pattern with ‘RESERVE BANK OF INDIA 5 RUPEES’ in a concentric circle and ‘FIVE’ in a diamond pattern within the language panel
Language Panel
RBI Logo
Profile portrait of King George VI facing right. RESERVE / BANK / OF / INDIA in four lines; numeral 5 in top left and bottom right
1. In the Promise Text - the words: “ON DEMAND“ are used before the denomination
2. Some of these notes were overprinted for use in Burma. See Type 5.10 and Type 5.14 in Chapter 5.
A sailor was initiated into the Solemn Mysteries of the Deep on his first crossing of the equator. This certificate was typed and issued on a Five Rupees King George VI banknote.
Microlettering: ‘5’ in a floral intricate pattern in signature panel
Type No. | Signature | Prefix | Remark |
4.3.1 | J.B. Taylor | A – J | Issued in January 1938 |
4.3.2 | C.D. Deshmukh | J – R | Issued first from Delhi on 2nd June 1944 |