2 Rupees TYPE 4.2

5 Rupees TYPE 4.3
July 18, 2017
1 Rupee TYPE 4.1
July 18, 2017

2 Rupees TYPE 4.2


date of issue: 3rd March 1943. Withdrawn from circulation on 27th October 1957. Printed on machine made, white paper. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA on top with “GUARANTEED BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT” below it. TWO / 2 / RUPEES in Central Denomination Panel. Portrait of King George VI in right window. 2 in top corners. TWO / RUPEES in relief underprint below portrait. Serial number in lower centre. Signed by GOVERNOR FOR THE RESERVE BANK OF INDIA.


RESERVE BANK / OF INDIA in centre with language panel on left. RBI seal in centre dividing TWO / RUPEES. 2 in top corners. TWO RUPEES below language panel and RUPEES TWO below watermark window.

Language Panel

language panel type 1: Rupees 2, 5 (profile portrait), 10 (profile portrait), 100, 1000 and 10000

language panel type 1: Rupees 2, 5 (profile portrait), 10 (profile portrait), 100, 1000 and 10000

RBI Logo

RBI Logo Type 1

RBI Logo Type 1


Profile portrait of George VI facing right.


Telugu changed from singular ‘rupayi‘ to plural ‘rupayalu’ in all denominations. Kannada changed to plural ‘rupayigalu’ for Rupees Two only. langPanel-Kannada-corrected Corrected Kannada langPanel-Telugu-corrected Corrected Telugu
  1. Some of these notes were overprinted for use in Pakistan. See Type 5.18 in Chapter 5.
  2. GUARANTEED BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT is printed in all denominations of Reserve Bank of India notes.
  3. RBI seal is also printed in all denominations of Reserve Bank of India notes.
  4. Notes of all denominations are signed by the Governor of Reserve Bank of India.


Type No. Signature Prefix Remark
 4.2.1  J.B. Taylor  A  Serial number in black
 4.2.2  C.D. Deshmukh  B-H  Serial number in black
 4.2.3  C.D. Deshmukh  H  Serial number in red, issued after May 1949
