Signature: J.W. Kelly.
Type 3.10.3 is with watermark type 2.
Reverse same as Type 3.10.1 D.
Notes of Rangoon Circle with prefix T32, 41 and 47 were overprinted for use in Burma. See Type 5.3 in Chapter 5.
Type No. | Signature | Circle of Issue | Prefix | Remark |
3.10.3 A | J.W. Kelly | Bombay | T | Watermark type 2. |
3.10.3 B | J.W. Kelly | Calcutta | T | Watermark type 2. |
3.10.3 C | J.W. Kelly | Cawnpore | T | Watermark type 2. |
3.10.3 D | J.W. Kelly | Karachi | T | Watermark type 2. |
3.10.3 E | J.W. Kelly | Lahore | T | Watermark type 2. |
3.10.3 F | J.W. Kelly | Madras | T | Watermark type 2. |
3.10.3 G | J.W. Kelly | Rangoon | T | Watermark type 2. |