10.6 Bikaner

10.7 Bilkha
August 11, 2017
10.5 Bantwa Baramajmu
August 8, 2017

10.6 Bikaner

Formerly in Rajputana Agency, now in Rajasthan State


Lying between 27°12’ and 30°12’ north, and 72°12’ and 75°42’ east. Bordered on the north and west by Bahawalpur; on the southwest by Jaisalmer; on the south by Jodhpur; on the southeast by the Shekawati district of Jaipur; on the east by Oharu and Hissar; and on the north east by Ferozpore


23,370 square miles


Rubber stamp signature by the “Sadar Treasury” (Chief Treasurer) on reverse. Perforations on one, two, three, sides depending on from where it was removed from a sheet.


Type No. Denomination
 10.6.1 Ek Paisa - 1 Pice
10.6.2 Ek Anna - 1 Anna
10.6.3 Do Annas - 2 Annas
10.6.4 Char Annas - 4 Annas
