new design with bharat sarkar in hindi above government of india and vignette of offshore oil rig “sagar samrat” situated off bombay coast.
BHARAT SARKAR in Hindi above GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. 1 in top left corner. ONE RUPEE below watermark window. Ashoka Pillar with BHARAT on left and INDIA to right of coin. Mint mark – Noida. Serial number in lower right. EK / RUPAYA in Hindi across 1 in relief in Central
Denomination Panel. Signed by Secretary, Ministry of Finance in Hindi and English. EK RUPAYA RUPEE in relief underprint in lower panel in a pattern. Microtint of vertical straight lines in orange colour in watermark window.
BHARAT SARKAR in Hindi above GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. 1 in top right corner. Vignette of Offshore Oil Rig “Sagar Samrat”. RUPAYA in Hindi 1/ RUPEE/ 1981 within coin. Language panel below coin. EK RUPAYA / ONE RUPEE below watermark window.
Language Panel
Type 5 on reverse.
Ashoka Pillar on left, ‘1’ in centre BHA/ RA/ TA in Hindi in three lines on the right.
9.6 x 6.4 cm.

Type No. | Year | Signature | Prefix | Remark |
---|---|---|---|---| | 1981 | R.N. Malhotra | A-H | | | 1981 | M. Narasimham | K, L | No notes were printed in 1982. M. Narsimham (1982 - 1983) signed notes of 1981 |